Meet Our Sponsors: Runtastic Events

We are thrilled to share about one of our Wolfpack sponsors: Runtastic Events! Runtastic is a company that runs ten different running races throughout the year in Utah. Distances range from 1k kids races all the way up to a full marathons; plus lots in between. Every race has some kind of theme depending on the time of year or its location.

All of their races has a nonprofit or charity that directly benefits. A portion of every entrance fee combined with any donations made by participant directly benefits some really amazing charities and nonprofits.

In January 2023 and 2024, Wolfpack had the honor of being the benefitting nonprofit for the Frigid 5k. It was so amazing to see so many people come out for these races. Recap of 2023 where it SNOWED. Recap of 2024.

Runtastic Events Wolfpack Sponsor Runtastic Events Wolfpack Sponsor

Here are Runtastic's races throughout the year:

Many of the athletes on our team participate in Runtastic races throughout the year. You can read a bit about how well they have done in some past races here.

Runtastic Events Wolfpack Sponsor

If you participate in a Runtastic race, don't be surprised to see a little kid pass you! You may see Runtastic hanging around a couple of our track meets giving away swag and sharing a Wolfpack discount code for their races.

Runtastic Events Wolfpack Sponsor

Our Wolfpack sponsors are the backbone of our nonprofit and enable us run smoothly and focus on supporting our athletes. These generous donations allow us to subsidize the cost of apparel, uniforms, and merch for our athletes along with allowing us to provide scholarships to athletes whose families are struggling financially with registration fees. In addition, they support our administrative costs such as registration fees, keeping our website and social media accounts going, and ensuring our insurance is up-to-date. Our amazing sponsors made it possible to have our Wolfpack pop-up tents in our first year; making us look professional and increasing visibility at meets. Every cent of sponsorship money goes directly into making the Wolfpack program better for our team!

Click HERE to meet ALL of our sponsors! Click HERE if you're interested in becoming a Wolfpack sponsor. Thank you, Runtastic for being a Wolfpack sponsor!