New to Cross Country?
Are you brand new to cross country? Maybe you or your kiddo were on a track and field team or you played a sport like lacrosse, soccer, or football and you don't understand what all the fuss is about? Why would I sign my child up to run miles and miles and miles and miles?

Cross country is so much more than that and through our Elementary Program, we strive to help kids discover a joy for running, racing, and being part of a team. We use games and drills that help build strength, endurance, and confidence. They learn a bit about running form through fun activities like running with a potato chip in each hand. They also learn about different running speeds and when to use them in races.
And our program doesn't make kids run for miles and miles and miles and miles. We use a variety of games to encourage them to run and eventually be able to run their race distance without stopping to walk.
Age divisions & Race Distances:
- Pups · born 2018+ · 1 kilometer (0.6 mile)
- Gamma · born 2016-2017 · 2 kilometers (1.25 miles)
- Beta · born 2014-2015 · 3 kilometers (1.8 miles)
- Epsilon · born 2012-2013 · 3 kilometers (1.8 miles)
Running can be amazing for kids. It helps build confidence, improves sleep, and it can boost those feel-good endorphins. For some it's essential to get wiggles out and helps with focus. Some even see an improvement in their grades. Running on a team brings kids together and they make new friends in the process.
Cross country is also excellent for kids who play other sports like lacrosse or soccer, to build endurance and stamina. The athletes who cross-train with a running sport are often the ones who can run circles around their opponents.

Registration for our Elementary Cross Country program is currently OPEN with a week of EARLY registration at a discounted fee of $110 per athlete.
Practices will begin the week of September 3, but if your kiddo joins a little late, their coach will get them up to speed.
Click the button to register:
2024 Cross Country Meets
- Monday, September 23 - Wardle Fields Regional Park
- Friday, October 11 - Wardle Fields Regional Park

If you have any questions about our Wolfpack Elementary Cross Country Program or if you'd like to become a coach, please send a message to our Elementary Program Director: