2023 Run with the Wolves Meet

Our Wolfpack-hosted track and field meet was this past weekend and it was a blast. It was originally supposed to be at Corner Canyon High School, but the school district set up some construction that moved our meet to Hillcrest High School in Midvale. It took some adjusting to redo heats with a track of six lanes versus the usual eight lanes. But it all turned out well.

Click here for the official results.

Weather Delay

Mother Nature started us out with clear skies and sunshine. We got through most of the day's events without hiccups. But the Salt Lake Valley has been experiencing last afternoon thunderstorms almost every day the last few weeks.

Right around 12:30pm, thunderstorms were swirling about and when the National Weather Service sent out a severe thunderstorm advisory with multiple lightning strikes and quarter-sized hail, we put the meet on hold and advised everyone to take shelter in a nearby building.

We watched a couple of big storm cells move just to the north of us and then a few cells to the east started heading towards us. By about 1:30pm, it was clear we were going to be bypassed by these big storms and we got the meet going again.

A major congrats goes out to these athletes for breaking club records on Saturday:

  • Michael C. in the 13/14 boys 100m with a time of 12.57 seconds.
  • Lydia B. in the 13/14 girls 200m with a time of 28.23 seconds.
  • Hunter H. in the 15/16 boys 800m with a time of 2:20.
  • Adria F. in the 13/14 girls 800m with a time of 2:24.49 AND 1500m with a time of 4:43.04.
  • Khloe P. in the 11/12 girls 800m with a time of 2:37.43.
  • Tommy W. in the 13/14 boys 200m hurdles with a time of 32.56
  • Khloe P., Lulu M., Gwyneth F., and Sydney G. in the 11/12 girls 4x400m relay with a time of 5:07.36.

Great job, Pack!!

Thank you!

Thank you so much to the coaches and volunteers who worked the start line, finish line, field events, registration, awards, concessions, and herding-of-athletes. We couldn't have made the day happen without you!

This week is the USATF State Championship meet. It takes place over three days with the bulk of events happening on Saturday, June 10th. It'll be at Timpanogos High School in Orem.

Best of luck to everyone competing!!