"I Believe" with Coach Jeremy

Last week our Theme of the Week was Believe. Coach Jeremy spent some time talking with our comp team after training about positive self-talk and how to believe that you're capable of doing hard things.

  • I BELIEVE in myself.
  • I BELIEVE in teammates.
  • I BELIEVE I can do better.
  • I BELIEVE hard work pays off.
  • I BELIEVE all things are possible.
  • I BELIEVE something good is going to happen to me.

Coach Jeremy's wrestling coach gave him a card with these words on it when he was a kid. That card lived in his wallet for 33 years (until his wallet was stolen!). He would pull it out during certain moments in his life when he was about to do something difficult or if he doubted himself.


Last summer, he ran the Wasatch 100 Endurance Race. It's a very challenging ultra that spans 100 miles in the Wasatch Mountains and has something like 20,000 feet in elevation change. He placed 28th overall and on an injured foot that left him in a boot for weeks afterward. When he ran that race, he kept a photo of his family and his I Believe card in his front vest pocket, next to his heart. Every time things got really tough during his race, he'd unzip his vest pocket and read the card. "You know what? I can do this. I can finish."


A card was handed out to everyone on our comp team. He said a few athletes keep theirs in backpacks. His two sons keep one on their bathroom mirror so they are reminded of these words every day.

Thank you, Coach Jeremy for sharing these words of wisdom and positivity!